The M1-DC headset mic shown above has a built in amplifier. The small screw visible in the picture is a gain adjustment screw. Turning the screw "up" makes the wearer "louder". A better use for this adjustment is to balance the microphone output to match other microphones or systems requirements. A technician can match A radio to A microphone, or in the case of the microphone above, A microphone to A radio. When you start mixing a bunch of different mics with a bunch of different radios, you don't always get good results. That is where standardization becomes necessary.
The recent installation of a new radio/intercom system in the Mi-2 brought attention to cabin noise levels and balancing different microphone inputs. One pilot's mic (Mike's mic) had significantly more gain than the others and background (turbine) noise was strongly amplified during the flight.
Recent experience with piston helicopters at the Cold War Air Museum has been at much lower ambient noise levels and hot mikes or voice activated intercoms have given good performance. Because of high noise levels, most military helicopters have push to talk intercoms. But we are still working towards the convenience of voice activated systems in the Mi-2, at least for the pilots.
Although classic shop equipment is available, testing has been made easier by the availability of plug in analyzers for laptops computers. After a series of ground tests, we can focus further in-flight tests on specific noise issues associated with the Mi-2.
Although all are "GA Helicopter" headsets, microphone outputs varied by 3:1 across the group. While the human ear can easily compensate for this kind of difference, an automatic squelch or background noise adjusting circuit has a much more difficult time.
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