Paradigm: an outstandingly clear example or archetype.
... Archetype: the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies.

This picture is of part of a poster on the wall of a Commander's office at an air base in Eastern Europe. The
L-39 in the picture was the Aerovodochody factory demonstrator and the poster was a promotional piece for the L-39. When we asked about it, the translator passed back the message that the P-51 was the most respected fighter of WW2. The pilots in the room didn't need any better explanation.

This promotional picture from the New York City airshow in 2006 shows a P-51 with other American war planes. Multiple generations and types but with a common heritage.

Ever popular at airshows and with pilots both old and young at heart, this P-51, Miss America was at the Ada airshow last year, Jon, standing on the wing, is showing his approval. An aircraft like this is now a Million Dollar investment for an owner or a museum. A few of our associates still remember 50+ years ago when surplus P-51s were advertised in the back of Flying magazines for $5,000.00.

Last year, Jon and the P-51s opened the Ada airshow, recreating in our own way the poster above and again joining the past and the present in a history lesson we hope will endure. The Miss America P-51 and one of our
Cold War Air Museum L-39s was at the Ada airshow again this year, where we passed out brochures and pleased folks young and old, kids and VIPs.
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